Happy Anniversary to me!! As I say in the video, I am so grateful for everything that has happened in my life since my Solo Wedding in Santorini. Very proud too. Not only has my life taken a 180 degree turn, deciding to change careers and become a writer, but also proud of the person I have become, in harmony with who I am, continuing to bloom and achieve my dreams. This is all the magic and power of self-love! Who would have thought that my Solo Wedding in Santorini would have such an impact? Looking back today, I realise how nothing happens by chance, everything has a specific purpose, even if we are rarely aware of it. Each event, circumstance, proves necessary to our history and even well beyond. Yes, going through a breakup as dramatic as mine – my fiancé left me 3 months before our wedding – is difficult and complicated. Yes, it takes time, courage, and resilience to move on. And no, my Solo Wedding in Santorini didn't magically erase all of that, but it gave me the strength, security, and love to overcome it, and transform the caterpillar that I was into a magnificent butterfly ready to fly to other horizons. What new hats and responsibilities! Today, my resume mentions: writer, artist, artistic director, creator and editor of digital content, social media management, analyst, translator, YouTuber, Blogger, and recently Editor-in-Chief - as I told you last week in my article Laeti’s Tribe. And soon I could add author and editor! Waking up every morning happy and excited about my day ahead is my greatest success. I won't change my life for anything in the world!! My blog When I see how far I've come, it was only a few pages in 2018, and the blog posts rarely exceeded 2 paragraphs even if the photos were already very present. And as a reminder, my website is available entirely in French AND in English, I write and publish the content myself, no automatic translation. So satisfied with everything I share with you on this website, and your loyalty means a lot to me. LINK Laeti’s Tribe My latest novelty, a warm and loving place, where I invite friends, mentors, coaches and writers from all over the world, to share their vision and tips on topics that interest me. LINK My Social Media Which continue to grow and expand. More and more people from very different backgrounds who find themselves in my story, in my life… Media I’m still amazed at how much my story has been viral in the international press. And being invited on a big Greek TV show was an incredible experience: LINK. And to celebrate my 5th wedding anniversary, something new, I was the guest of The Spinster Life Podcast, a Los Angeles-based show that emphasises on single life. For an hour, Amie Kolbing, its creator, made me talk about my Solo Wedding in Santorini in every detail, my book, the freezing of my eggs and how I live and see my life. You can find this episode "Solo Weddings are Simply the Best" on all the usual platforms (click on it to access directly): And a few clips for you, provided by Amie & The Spinster Life Podcast. Certainly the automatic caption program is not used to my French accent, there are a few mistakes, I can't blame it... 😊
My book The best for last as they say, I’ll soon realise one of the biggest dreams of my life. What an accomplishment! I talked about my book and its creation in the podcast. Even though I've been writing since I was a child, I had never written a whole book before, I just needed the right story to tell. I can't give you a release date yet, some things don't depend on me, but it's taking shape and obviously you'll be the first to know! Being able to rejoice and be fulfilled by my life every day is an immense satisfaction. I had to find within myself the essential resources and love to discover my true destiny. And it's only the beginning! I couldn’t be prouder than today, to celebrate the 5th anniversary of my Solo Wedding in Santorini. I strongly encourage you to re-read my previous articles, each as exciting as the next. (Small note: due to the expansion of the website, some links are no longer valid, so if you have any error messages, don't worry, I'm fixing the problem.) And I end with 2 videos I made for you for my wedding anniversary in 2020 and 2021:
Don't forget, you're amazing! Be yourself and love yourself! Love & Joy, L.
This week, I am very excited to announce that my website is getting bigger! And yes, after 4 years of existence and having been asked many times, I’m finally ready to share my pages. Starting in June, some of the articles will be written by guests, friends, coaches, mentors, writers... I select the topics, make recommendations, specifications, review and translate into French or English depending on the original language of the article. In short, I become Editor-in-Chief! Pretty good, right? I love it! Believe me, you’ll love it, thanks to them, we’ll expand our knowledge, and open our minds and hearts even more. Obviously, I’ll personally introduce each of the guests, coming from different universes, however they all fit very well into my tribe. I like the idea of being able to bring people together, give, share, exchange and inspire. To be able to give you even more the desire to be yourself and to surpass yourself. No one influences me, but everybody inspires me! How so? If you subscribed to the newsletter, nothing changes for you, the links will take you directly to the articles. (You can subscribe at the bottom of the Home Page or the Blog Page) Nothing change on the home page, direct access to the article. The only difference will be if you click on the BLOG button in the menu.
Lately, it was difficult for me to offer you an article every week, in this way I hope to be able to satisfy you. This should free me some time to devote myself to the publishing of my book “My Solo Wedding in Santorini”, and hopefully I’ll announce a release date soon! Don't forget that you can become a contributor, depending on the amount you donate, you may be entitled to get a numbered & signed copy, and even your name in the acknowledgments of the book! Thank you to those of you who have already participated!! I love you! All the details: HERE. Together let's continue to grow, bloom and be happy!! Welcome to Laeti’s Tribe! Love & Joy, L. It's been a long time since I took you to an exotic destination, and with summer coming, I wanted to make you dream a little, a lot... madly. This week I'm showing you one of my favourite places on our beautiful planet: Heron Island in Queensland, Australia. And as a reminder, all the photos are mine, and it was very difficult to select them, each one so beautiful than the other! Located on the Great Barrier Reef, in the northeast of Australia, on the Tropic of Capricorn, this small island of 16 hectares is a real paradise. It can be reached by boat, which means 2 hours of seasickness for my sister who was accompanying me, or by helicopter, but this time this mode of transport did not fit into my budget. If you have a feeling of deja vu, it’s because I’ve already shown you several of these photos in my articles. But really, I never get tired of it! There’s only one hotel on the island, the Heron Island Resort, which makes it a very privileged area and when I say hotel, it’s actually small wood cabins scattered in the vegetation. So relaxing and rejuvenating to be immersed in such an environment. And my sister is touring you 😉 Obviously, we didn’t come all this way not to swim. Pool or beach, the dilemma of the day… Although you can go around it quickly, only 800m long (2,600 ft) and 300m (980 ft) wide, its charm and its particularity lie in its fauna and flora. In summer, nearly 200,000 birds inhabit the island. We observe them everywhere and especially we hear them! Well, be clear here, some songs are more melodious than others… And no, contrary to its name no heron on the island, the English explorer, Lieutenant Charles Bampfield Yule, who discovered it in 1843 would have confused egrets with herons. To be honest I'm very bad at bird species so I don't blame him, and then in the end, it sounds good Heron Island! And then, there are sea turtles too!! But maybe you remember, I told you about it in my article My Favourite Animals. And yes, it’s an island where Green sea turtles and Loggerhead turtles (or Caretta Caretta) come to nest. I had the pleasure of witnessing the nesting and hatching period, so magical! No photos of the mothers, they come to lay eggs during the night, so we observe them from a distance in the dark so as not to disturb them. However, I have some memories of baby turtles trying to reach the sea... At low tide, walking on the island is just as surprising, there’s plenty of time to admire this rich fauna and flora. This is also a perfect opportunity to visit the University of Queensland research station, one of the most important in the world for research on the coral reef. I knew that I had not chosen the right course of study, spending my days in a bikini on a tropical beach watching fishes, wonderful… There are of course a lot of sea excursions organised to admire the Great Barrier Reef, I don't take underwater photos, I prefer not to have any distractions in case a shark decides to take me for its snack hahaha. From the beach too, you can see rays, sharks and all kinds of fish. Magical! Heron Island is one of the places I’d revisit with pleasure, and a memorable memory with my sister. Besides, she would have loved to get married there, finally she got married in a magnificent castle in France, it was very good too! Finally, this place was heavenly for my creativity. And some of my favourite photos: My Previous Articles about Australia:
No article next week, multiple projects are taking shape and I'll tell you about it next time. Have a fantastic week everyone ! Love & Joy, L. |