We’ve just celebrated Bastille Day, National Day in France, unfortunately this year with the Covid restrictions, the fireworks of the Eiffel Tower took place but without spectators. You can celebrate anyway watching the replay at the end of the article, or by reading again my article from last year: My Bday in Paris Or the one from 2018: Superwomen And yes, again in Paris in July to celebrate my birthday among other things. I’m very grateful to be in Paris, some people dream of it all their life as in the film The Extraordinary journey of the Fakir, mentioned in my article Summary (in which besides I reminded you of my articles on incredible constructions.) The atmosphere of this magical city inspired my last video: However, on this very special day for the French, I wanted to tell you about a monument that honours our patriotism, and all the people who have contributed to it: The Pantheon in Paris. But before that, it was a Christian basilica, built in 507 by King Clovis. It became the Church of Sainte-Geneviève, named after the patron saint of Paris, because she had protected the city and its inhabitants from the barbarians with Attila at its head. A large mural depicts the life of Saint Geneviève, as well as her apotheosis under the dome. These are the oldest paintings dating from the First Empire. In 1755, Louis XV commissioned Jacques-Germain Soufflot to build a prestigious basilica in honour of Sainte-Geneviève, to whom the King credits his recovery from a serious illness. The architecture is Greek and Gothic, the dome is inspired by Saint Paul's Cathedral in London and the Invalides in Paris, the monumental peristyle is inspired by the Pantheon of Agrippa in Rome. Soufflot wanted to compete with Saint-Pierre de Rome, he died before the end, his building was completed in 1790 by his collaborator Rondelet. At its centre, there’s also the Foucault pendulum invented in 1851, in order to prove the rotation of Earth. Finally, in 1791, the basilica was converted into the National Pantheon, however it changed twice into a religious building during the 19th century. From 1874, paintings were added to the monument recounting the key moments of the Christian and monarchical origins of France, Clovis, Joan of Arc, Saint-Louis, Charlemagne are notably represented. Obviously, we can’t miss the masterful representation of the French Revolution "The National Convention" embodying Marianne surrounded by soldiers and revolutionary deputies. The original text of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen as well as the Constitution of the 5th Republic can be found in the Pantheon. There are also many statues and inscriptions to pay homage to various personalities. I can’t speak of the Pantheon without mentioning the crypt of course, many illustrious personalities who contributed to the glory of this country are buried there: Voltaire, Rousseau, Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Louis Braille, Jean Monnet, Pierre & Marie Curie, Simone Veil to name a few ... We emerge humbled and moved by this beautiful monument, not to mention that we remember a part of the history of France. A visit that I highly recommend if you’ve never been before. Follow me on Instagram (@blogaboutl) to see more of my adventures! Next Post: Saturday August 1st. Love & Freedom, L.
“It is better to dream your life than to live it, even if living it means dreaming it.” Marcel Proust Yes, I shout it from my blog and social media, because I’m very proud to be 40 years old! Not that my life is perfect but more because I take happiness where it is, I expect nothing from life and so I’m resplendent and serene to use the words of my best friend. Lifestyle It took time and patience to reach this fulfilment and I keep learning about myself and looking for the best in myself. This was part of my vows during my Solo Wedding in Santorini: “I promise to always raise the bar in everything I do because the most important is not to achieve goals but the journey to realise them.” My lifestyle reflects my personality, I don't like rules, then I’ve created mine: “I promise to continue doing nothing like everybody because everyone is unique.” I’m sharing this with you in the Lifestyle category But also, my happiness tips on the Videos page Not to mention all the articles about my Solo Wedding in Santorini: Link. Beauty “To promise oneself things is the hardest of challenges, the best is to take them up.” And one of my current challenges is to beat time and stay young!! I have to admit that genetics have been generous to me and I look younger. It must also be said that since I was 14, I’ve been taking care of my skin and anti-aging creams have no secrets for me. Great habit because I’ve never been so proud to say my age. Reread: You also know that I take care of my body and my mind, and I’m not going to stop since I want to visit the planet Mars one day (read again In the Air 2), so I must stay in perfect shape to live long enough! Travel “Today and forever I promise myself to follow my instinct and to trust my lucky star.” My life has been, and is always rich in adventures and meetings, my happiness is in this constant search for novelty and open-mindedness. My curiosity is limitless, and my lucky star is always there to guide me in the right direction… I’ve lived in 6 different countries and visited no less than 25 countries in the world, some of which I’d never have imagined discovering one day like Papua New Guinea! I’ve already shared with you many of my trips: Check Travel Category. Art “I promise myself to enjoy every moment as if it were the last, to shake up the codes and to create opportunities because time is an eternal present.” Living my life is art ... I live in the moment, regardless of tomorrow or what people think, I don't fit in any box, and an A4 sheet wouldn't be enough to describe myself. There are so many people and artists who inspire me every day, celebrities as much as Anonymous: Category Art. Writing is my medium of expression as I show you on this blog and with extracts from my book: link. Photography is also important to me as I told you last week in The 4 Elements. Art is a lifestyle and I’ve adopted mine, without compromise or pressure, with love and respect. Superwomen “A thought for all young ladies, women, spouses, mothers around the world, being a woman is our strength.” I couldn’t finish this article without talking about women obviously, I often put them in the spotlight on my website and on my social media: Superwomen category. I’m fortunate to be a 40-year-old woman, independent and free to live my life as I wish, I’m extremely grateful, it’s a precious gift and this is the reason why I must be happy. Finally, for those who haven’t watched it yet, the video I’ve recorded for my birthday: “My life is a constant series of dreams and I promise to keep following this way!” It’s never too late to live your life and realise your dreams. Don't be afraid, life is beautiful! During summer holidays, I only publish fortnightly. Next article: July 18. Love & Joy, L. |