I know I haven't published much on the blog in recent months, and I haven't forgotten you, but I didn’t have enough time to be able to offer you more articles. My priorities were different this year 2022 and I’m so proud to announce that my book “My Solo Wedding in Santorini: or How I Saved my Life…” is now available in French on Amazon (Paperback and Kindle)!! Less than 4 months after the release of its big sister in English! Get your copy in French: HERE or your copy in English: HERE I must admit that deciding to self-publish my book in 2 different languages in the same year was ambitious! But I’m so proud and happy to have succeeded! Again, it wasn’t without pitfalls and challenges, but I’m full of resources and patience, and I overcame them one after another. After its release, I returned to Annecy Lake to recharge my batteries and you’ll notice the change in season and outfit, between my English book published on July 25, 2022, and the French one on November 12! I’ve already received several reviews and I’m delighted to see that you like my book as much in French as in English! As a reminder, I wrote this book in the 2 languages myself, no translator, it's the same thing with this blog, and I'm in charge of everything from A to Z, including website design. My book has been sold in the UK, Australia, the US, Spain and France, so I can say unequivocally that I’m an international bilingual author! Last week, I published a video to thank you, in French please (translation below): "I wanted to thank all the people who have already bought or even read my latest book 'My Solo Wedding in Santorini: or How I Saved My Life'. Some have already given me their opinion and loved it. Obviously, this means a lot to me. Thank you for all your congratulatory messages. It touches me deeply! I wanted my book to be easy to read, so that as many people as possible could discover my story, how I transformed the darkest day of my life – my fiancé left me before our wedding – into a bright and positive event. Many emotions in this book, I show myself authentic and vulnerable but never forgetting that joy is part of me, of my life and that happiness belongs only to oneself. Some of you have asked me for signed copies, especially for Christmas gifts, I'm delighted to be able to do that, send me your requests/messages on Instagram @blogaboutl or on my website www.blogaboutl.com" Life is a Gift & we must Honour it! This weekend I also organised a private book signing in France, I invited my family and my friends, as well as several people who were impatiently awaiting my book. A moment of exchange and sharing, a lot of joy and love, and being able to collect your impressions in person is pure happiness, and I can't wait to do it again! And exclusively, I announce that Annecy will be the next city where I’ll sign my book. Of course, I’ll keep you informed. I’d like to thank all the people who came but also the café "Le Mug's", which received us with such kindness. My guests and I have wonderful memories. A place that I highly recommend! LINK And for the occasion, I was wearing accessories from My Solo Wedding in Santorini : earrings, lipstick, clutch, jacket, and of course my ring! Which are all mentioned in my book... And then as I wasn’t excited enough, I’ve just been selected for a Book Awards contest in the UK!! Wish me luck! In the meantime, you can always read my articles on my Solo Wedding in Santorini: HERE. Excerpts from my book in French: LINK Excerpts from my book in English: LINK I'm waiting for your reviews, comments and photos of my book now! And above all, don't hesitate to share... Love & Joy, Laëtitia Nguyen
You know how much I love water and boats, and going through my photo archive this week, I came across those taken during a memorable sailing trip. It was in 2010, suffice to say that it goes back and yet I remember it as if it were yesterday. I had just lived a year in Morocco, and I was about to move to the other side of the planet in Australia! Also, when one of my best friends asked me to join him in the Mediterranean, I booked my flight in a few minutes. Departure: Cagliari in Sardinia!! Colombine - that was the name of my friend's sailboat - was going to make us sail from Italy to Corsica... Well, for me, because my friend would continue his journey. And when I say "we", I'm talking about 4 people, 2 girls and 2 boys, with the only common denominator being the captain. Yes, we didn’t know each other and we were going to spend 10 days on a few square metres of space 24/7. That would have made a good TV-reality show lol And no, I wasn't worried, because I embarked with a calm sea and a magnificent blue sky, nothing could have altered my good mood and my thirst for discovery! With a limited space, it was a small sailboat, no doubt that promiscuity was a challenge, but you discover people more quickly too. Fortunately, they were great and no incidents to deplore. Obviously, it’d not have been fun without a major issue: no bathroom and even no toilets! There was a technical problem and it couldn’t be repaired immediately. We were in October and the sea was far too cold for me. I was washing myself with micellar water, I had long hair at the time and I didn't take a shower for 10 days, imagine! For the toilets, it was quite an exercise to do that overboard, especially when the sea was rough. Which shows that we get used to everything, we are far more capable to do without modern comfort than we think. Fortunately, we had enough chocolate, saucisson and other food to make us forget these inconveniences. We went along the coast without ever stopping in a port. It was beautiful, wild and us with it! We had a very good weather most of the trip but 2 days of big storms too, including seasickness. We explored the land according to our desires, we only met a few people, some of them welcomed us (even rescued I’d say) on their luxurious spacious sailboat and let us use their toilets, a blessing lol The immensity of nature to regenerate me, me a sign of water (Cancer), a magnificent moment of meditation to rediscover myself, stop time and enjoy the moment. The Strait of Bonifacio is a 11km (6.8mi) international strait that separates Sardinia from the French island of Corsica, and I had the honour of steering this part. For those who know about sea navigation, this area is known to be dangerous to sail because of the rocks and strong currents. Luckily, the sea was very calm that day and I had an incredible pleasure, a memory that will remain etched in my memory. I still feel the breeze on my face, the sun above me and Bonifacio looming in the distance... Arriving by sea is absolutely magical, a feeling that I relived in Santorini, after my Solo Wedding during my Honeymoon. Some islands are nothing but beauty and splendour… Bonifacio, a fortified town in the southernmost of Corsica, rests on a limestone cliff of 1,600m long by 100m wide. Inhabited since the Neolithic, it crossed all the times not without difficulty, numerous massacres and battles annihilated it on several occasions. It took its current name in 832, thanks to Boniface II of Tuscany, who rebuilt and fortified it. Later, the Genoese added a citadel. A strategic military place due to its commercial port and its geographical location, it has been disputed, destroyed and repopulated. Today, it has about 3,200 inhabitants. We laughed, we cried, we changed the world, we also decided on my new haircut: short this time! The kind of friends who stay in our lives forever despite the distance and the years without seeing each other. A magnificent nautical adventure, human and personal, confronted with nature and the elements, technical hazards, to finally realise that we are one with the universe...😉 Have a fantastic week everyone! Love & Joy, L. For those who have been following me for a long time, you know that when I created this blog, talking about my dreams was one of the priorities (see page About Me), and I remain very attached to showing you that it’s never too late to achieve them. And precisely this year 2022 have seen the birth of incredible achievements including my book "My Solo Wedding in Santorini"! A few days ago, my horoscope said that someone from the past would come back into my life this week… I wasn’t expecting it to be my best girl friend from junior high school!! She said, “It reminds me of so many memories from school together. I’m so happy for you, you did it, you wrote THE book!” I had forgotten how publishing a book was a dream for me for a very long time… I’ve been writing since I was 8 years old, but thought it was a hobby, it took me 30 years to understand that it was my true nature, my divine essence. I had to lose everything (my job, my home, my fiancé) to put me back on the right path, but it was so worth it! And soon my book will be available in French! Another accomplishment that I am very excited about. Knowing that I self-publish and must manage all aspects of publishing including editing/proofreading but also artistic direction (cover, layout, marketing…), I can be proud. Less than a year ago, I didn't know any of this. It took me a lot of determination and discipline, but they are nothing without the right motivation. Mine: to give hope and courage to people so that they discover self-love and become free to finally be themselves! But obviously all the support I receive is a huge strength and just this week, one of my favourite authors quoted in chapter 22 of my book, Steven Pressfield, sent me words of encouragement that really touched me. I never thought I’d meet so many exceptional people during this journey, every day a new miracle happens, I am extremely grateful. My life is a constant series of dreams and I promise to keep following this way! Exactly! Speaking of which, last month while I was in London, I had the opportunity to realise a dream that I had been waiting for 3 years!! Yes, at the end of 2019, I left the London capital after having lived there for several months (check my articles), promising myself to come back to see a certain musical… Some probably have guessed, I talked about it many times on this blog… Frozen!! And I was certainly not disappointed, the most incredible show I have attended, and it even dethroned number 1 on my Top 10: Singing in the rain. Remember that I’ve seen a hundred shows in my life, so I highly recommend this little tour to Arendelle (the village where Queen Elsa lives). I had goosebumps for 2 hours, the sets and costumes are breathtaking, the actors / singers / dancers are amazing, and the special effects add even more magic. No doubt I will go again! And the trailer at the end of this article. My previous articles:
Never give up on your dreams, that’s how we change the world. Have a magical week everyone! Love & Joy, L. While this week I attended online a very interesting class about the history of Mary Magdalene, I remembered that last year at this time I had just returned from Paris and was preparing to go to the south of France to discover the Sainte-Baume Cave where Mary Magdalene spent the last years of her life. So, the idea of telling you about the famous Parisian church was obvious! Located in the 8th, not far from Place Vendôme, located at one end of Rue Royale, with Place de la Concorde on the other side, as a tourist, impossible to miss it! Commissioned by Napoleon I, it was however not finished until 1842 (85 years later) because of the political troubles at this period. From Greek neoclassical style, this Catholic church surrounded by 52 Corinthian columns, measures 354ft (108m) long and 141ft (43m) wide, and its height is 98ft (30m). I didn't take pictures of the exterior because the facade has been under renovation for many years, and it’s hidden by large panels. However, I got revenge inside and all the following photos are mine. The work of the craftsmen here is impressive, gilding, wood and marble, you don't know where to look, everything is so sumptuous. Obviously, our attention is on the Choir created by Charles Marochetti and the Rapture of Saint Mary Magdalene. An exceptional work that required 12 years of work on the part of the sculptor. So much detail, you could spend hours looking at it all. Above all, a lot of tenderness and poetry in this piece, so real, that one would expect the characters to wake up at any moment. Behind the Choir, the Lameire mosaic, highlighting the Resurrection of Christ and his first disciples, including Mary Magdalene of course. And above the painted fresco by Ziegler telling the story of Christianity. We see Mary Magdalene supported by 3 angels just like in the Choir, but also many outstanding characters: Saint Louis, Clovis, Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Louis XIII with Richelieu, Napoleon but also Raphaël, Michel-Ange and Dante to represent the Renaissance. And even more sculptures, all as incredible as each other... Including the carved bronze front door! I end with an element that you’ve certainly noticed in the previous photos, the great organ! Restored several times, it was originally built by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll in 1846. n the Corinthian style to harmonise with the rest of the architecture, the woodwork by unknown author is a work of art in itself! Many personalities have had their funerals organised in this magnificent church: Chopin, Offenbach, Mistinguett, Coco Chanel, Joséphine Baker, Tino Rossi, Dalida, Marlène Dietrich, Henri Salvador, Johnny Hallyday and this year the Bogdanoff brothers to name but a few... No article next week, I’m working intensely on the publication of my book in French: Mon Mariage Solo à Santorin! Check out some of my previous posts:
Have a great week everyone!! Love & Joy, L. I'm back! It's been a month since I posted on the blog, I admit that it wasn’t planned but life is full of unexpected events and surprises, and if there’s something I know, it’s accepting everything that happens with adaptability and positivity. First, I went to London for a week, and no I wasn’t there for the Queen's funeral, I left just before, but I had a great time seeing my friends and meeting new ones, but also to sign my book “My Solo Wedding in Santorini”, no doubt that I really feel like an author now. Of course, I’ll tell you all about it in future articles, especially since I discovered some very interesting new places! Then my return to France was eventful, my parents and I moved to a new city, which comes with its share of challenges – you know that I don’t use the word “problem” anymore (read Kind Words and Be Positive) - like, for example, not having internet, which makes it very difficult for me to publish on the blog or on my social media. It was the first time I witnessed a moving in from the balcony, certainly an experience! And apparently the universe wanted to make sure I took some time off from my digital activities, my mobile phone slowly abandoned me, it had even started in London, hence my silence on Instagram and Facebook – but I promise I will catch up soon. Above all, it allowed me to breathe, enjoy the moment, completely disconnect, something that has never really happened in the last 4 years since the creation of the blog in 2018. It was interesting to no longer think in hashtags and stories, to contemplate life and nature without distraction. Despite this, not everyone was in detox like me, and it’s of course during that time that you are asked to do interviews, including 2 for Netflix! And yes, we're going to start talking about us more widely, the sologamists/self-married people, which makes me very happy. Self-love is the way to true happiness, a message that I’ve been sharing for 5 years, since My Solo Wedding in Santorini; the more of us talk about it, the more people will be inspired… And I’ll keep you updated about the shows I’ll participate in. In the meantime, you can read “My Solo Wedding in Santorini” (English version): LINK Have a great week! Love & Joy, L. While we’re still enjoying the beautiful summer days, at the sea, in the mountains or in the city, I wanted to share with you a very exotic and relaxing place in the heart of Paris. In 2020, I chose to spend my second honeymoon in the French capital. A romantic destination that also works for self-married people and singles. The important thing is to be in good company, and I admit that I love being with myself! One of the many benefits of my Solo Wedding in Santorini, self-love makes us accept ourselves as we are. And I liked it so much that I spent the summer in Paris again last year, I like this time of year when the city is quieter, almost at rest with its inhabitants who have left on holiday. It's as if I had it all to myself, a romantic tête-à-tête. Precisely, I take you daydreaming in the magnificent Buttes-Chaumont park… It was inaugurated in 1867 under Napoleon III, a great period of construction decided by the emperor and entrusted to Baron Haussmann, remember my article on the Garnier Opera House. Napoleon III was seduced by London parks – I understand that, check my article My Birthday in London – and wanted to reproduce this model in the French capital. With nearly 25 hectares of greenery (61 acres), this public garden located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, is one of the largest parks in the city. Unlike most green spaces which are flat, the Buttes-Chaumont, as their name suggests, overlook Paris, thus offering an exceptional view. Built on a former gypsum quarry, the engineer Adolphe Alphand was inspired by its 40-metre drop to create an English garden reminiscent of the mountain and its environment: waterfalls, cliffs, cave rocks, torrents, belvederes… This makes it a place conducive to discovery and strolling. With 820m (2,690ft) long and 450m (1,476ft) wide, and a periphery of 2.5km (8,200ft), the multiple paths and bridges are an invitation to adventure. There’s thus a suspended footbridge of 65m (213ft) which makes it possible to reach the belvedere located on a 30m-high 98ft) steep island. And guess who built it in 1867? Gustave Eiffel. The neoclassical style temple, crowning the belvedere, is a creation of the architect Gabriel Davioud. And after all this walk, there's nothing like enjoying its 12ha (29ac) of lawns in the shade of its 6ha (15ac) of woodland to rest and reconnect with Mother Nature. A natural paradise built by man around a lake, home to incredible flora and fauna. Moreover, the Buttes-Chaumont include the widest variety of forest species among Parisian public parks. All you have to do is breathe and relax... And I put some of my videos at the end. Have a Great week everyone! Love & Joy, L.
Last month, I celebrated my birthday, I told you about it in my article Happy Me. Well, if I love this day of the year so much, apart from the fact that I love celebrating myself, especially since my Solo Wedding in Santorini, it's because I don't age. Even better, I rejuvenate! That's what my friends and family keep telling me. Recently, one of my aunts, who hadn't seen me for a year, said to me, "You have to stop at some point, because you look 20 now!! » Certainly, my aunt is very generous, and I don't wish to look that young ahaha. Nevertheless, for proof a photo without filter, without editing, without makeup, just me on July 1, 2022 after my shower! My 40th birthday (2 years ago therefore) was a turning point in my life, not that I dreaded this date, on the contrary since I had to celebrate it outrageously (but the pandemic prevented it), and obviously I was stunning (reread my article Turned 40), but on that day I chose a new challenge, to fulfill one of my wedding vows, the one that said “I would never stop being a better version of myself.” Since My Solo Wedding in Santorini, I adore myself all the time, it’s absolutely impossible for me to diminish myself. When you love yourself, it is for life! However, this time not only aging wouldn’t affect me, but I chose a new quest, that of youth. An adventure that would transform me and make me meet extraordinary people. (Pictures below of my birthdays from 2017 to 2021) From there, I signed up for courses, seminars and other videos, I wanted to know everything about nutrition, fitness, neurology, epigenetics, energy, and I continue because I find it fascinating. Of course, as with any learning, it takes dedication, determination and discipline. But all this doesn’t work without the right motivation! And as far as I’m concerned, I had 2 essential reasons: 1/ I still want to be a mother one day and although I froze my eggs in Madrid, I don't know if I will use them or resort to other procedures or adoption. Reread Gift from Science 2/ My dearest dream is to go to the planet Mars (Read In the Air 2) and for those who have been following me for a few years, you’ve already received your invitation. For others, here it is: When I was 20, if someone had told me I’d look this fabulous, I wouldn't have believed it. It must also be said that at that time, I was overweight, insecure, trying to succeed in all areas to conform to standards and society. Today, I can say that I’ve never felt so good, not to mention the fact that I’ve never been so fit and healthy, no more glasses, no more medication or dietary supplements, no more migraines, sleep trouble nor health problem, a healthy mind in a healthy body. I’ve already shared a lot about my beauty and health routines: I encourage you to read them again: And I really don't miss my glasses... (Photos from 2011 to 2016) Obviously when you decide to stay young, there’s no chance of not talking about exercise! I never saw myself as a sporty person, overweight from a very young age until I was 27, playing sports at school was my pet peeve and I voluntarily avoided it for a good part of my adult life. No chance of dragging me to a gym, but confinement has been good since online classes have developed and especially my passion for dance and ballet – an entire chapter is dedicated to it in my book “My Solo Wedding in Santorini" - has introduced me to Lydia Melmeth, my current fitness coach and former dancer of the Queensland Ballet. I encourage you to follow her on Instagram and her YouTube channel, she now lives in London and teaches at the Royal Ballet and in many fitness centres. Yes, remember, I talked about the Royal Ballet in my Article Happy New Year 2020! Keeping my 2 motivations in mind and my iron discipline, from 30 minutes/week in 2020, I practice today 5h/week! If I can do it, you can too! Thanks to Lydia, her energy and her very varied classes, I learned to do grand pliés as well as squats. And speaking of squats, impossible not to mention the extraordinary Pauline Adeleke, to whom I dedicate all my squats!! Pauline is 70 years YOUNG, as she likes to say (I love it!) and lives in New York. Although she has already lived several lives, 2 years ago she created her own business to help people of her age to stay in shape. She’s a real mine of information and her energy is contagious! Especially her attitude towards life is a fabulous example to follow, for her, age is just a number, and one should never limit oneself on this basis. Neither too young nor too old, anything is possible with determination. I have huge respect and admiration for her, she’s my new role model and I like to call her SuperWonder Pauline! I love this woman so much! Follow her on Instagram and on her YouTube channel Ageless Fitness Lifestyle, where she distils her fitness and nutrition tips. I can't remember which of my teachers mentioned this, but several years ago a study was conducted with a group of elderly people with all sorts of age-related symptoms and disorders: osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, low muscle mass etc. They had them live for several weeks in a house with 70s decor, which reminded them of a past time in their lives. At the end of the experiment, their health had improved, and some symptoms had even completely disappeared, without any special diet or medication. Because of their environment, their brain believed that they were younger and their metabolism with it. Incredible but true! Like nature, if you have strong roots, the right environment, good care, you will bloom again and again... And I feel like I'm blooming better and better, year after year. But for me the absolute secret is to have fun and do what I love! Anything that makes me smile is good for my cells. Moreover, this summer I decided to regress completely and practice the activities that I loved to do as a child: horseback riding and golf. Plus, they're outdoor activities, which is a bonus. There’s no age to start something new, in fact, I took my dad for his 65th birthday to have his first golf lesson and he loved it! And last week, to relax after the launch of my book - the past 2 months have been intense to stay polite - my sister invited me to a beautiful spa. A very handsome young man, the sexiest of the 4,000m2 of aquatic space, only had eyes for me, despite the lovely young ladies in microscopic bikinis. Proof that my method works and that there’s no age to be fabulous!! Do like me, live life to the fullest so that it has no hold on you! And even more to discover about me and my life in my autobiography “My Solo Wedding in Santorini”: LINK FOR THE BOOK By the way, this article is an addition to my Superwomen Series: read here. Have a fabulous week! Love & Joy, L. GET YOUR COPY HEREI’m so excited and delighted that my book “My Solo Wedding in Santorini: or how I saved my life” is finally published! For the moment only the English version is available: HERE But don't worry, the French edition should follow in a few months, moreover for those who wish, I continue to raise funds to be able to realise this new version: LINK And of course, I also prepare the Greek version. Why Greek? This country and its people have welcomed me with such kindness and generosity since my solo wedding in Santorini, that for me it’s unthinkable not to have my book in this language. Not to mention, I've been in the news a lot (check page MEDIA), including on TV, and a lot of people are waiting for the full version of my story! Check my article: TV Interview. For all those who have been part of this adventure, of course, I wanted to thank you personally: Transcript of the video: My book my Solo Wedding in Santorini is out! It has been quite a journey I have to say. And if you don’t have your copy yet, check my website www.blogaboutl.com When I married myself 5 years ago after my fiancé left me, if you had told me that I was going to publish a book talking about it, I would have called you crazy! And here we are! I’m so moved by all the amazing and kind messages I’ve received these past few days. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everybody who was part of this incredible adventure. Some of you follow me for years, since the creation of Blog About L. com I’m so grateful for your love, support, and your loyalty. This book was made of tears and sacrifices. I wanted to give up so many times. But you kept me going. This is why when you go after your dream, it is so important to surround yourself with the right people. You have so many doubts and worries and fears during the process that you can’t afford to have unloving, judgemental energy around you. During this journey, my relationships, my friendships changed, absolutely. But most of all, I changed to be aligned with my purpose, my dream and this is how I’ve attracted incredible souls into my life. This book, my story my Solo Wedding in Santorini is your story too! Live your dream life! And as I like to say “The best is yet to come…” ORDER THE BOOK HEREThe goal now is for it to become a bestseller, and on the 2nd day of its publication, I woke up with the happy surprise of being 4th in the Amazon ranking in the wedding book category! So don’t hesitate to share with your friends, family, on social media. My success is also yours! Here’s the description of the book: “May 27, 2017, Santorini, Aegean Island (Greece). I am about to go down the magnificent stone stairs holding my father's arm, to participate in the wedding I have been waiting for, and preparing for a year and a half. The guests are seated. The weather is capricious. However, this ceremony is special, the groom is not here. He left the marital ship three months before, and I took the decision to marry without him, to marry myself!” |
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My book
The best for last as they say, I’ll soon realise one of the biggest dreams of my life.
What an accomplishment!
I talked about my book and its creation in the podcast.
Even though I've been writing since I was a child, I had never written a whole book before, I just needed the right story to tell.
I can't give you a release date yet, some things don't depend on me, but it's taking shape and obviously you'll be the first to know!
Being able to rejoice and be fulfilled by my life every day is an immense satisfaction.
I had to find within myself the essential resources and love to discover my true destiny.
And it's only the beginning!
I couldn’t be prouder than today, to celebrate the 5th anniversary of my Solo Wedding in Santorini.
I had to find within myself the essential resources and love to discover my true destiny.
And it's only the beginning!
I couldn’t be prouder than today, to celebrate the 5th anniversary of my Solo Wedding in Santorini.
I strongly encourage you to re-read my previous articles, each as exciting as the next.
(Small note: due to the expansion of the website, some links are no longer valid, so if you have any error messages, don't worry, I'm fixing the problem.)
And I end with 2 videos I made for you for my wedding anniversary in 2020 and 2021:
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Don't forget, you're amazing! Be yourself and love yourself!
Love & Joy,
This week, I am very excited to announce that my website is getting bigger!
And yes, after 4 years of existence and having been asked many times, I’m finally ready to share my pages.
Starting in June, some of the articles will be written by guests, friends, coaches, mentors, writers...
I select the topics, make recommendations, specifications, review and translate into French or English depending on the original language of the article.
In short, I become Editor-in-Chief!
Pretty good, right? I love it!
And yes, after 4 years of existence and having been asked many times, I’m finally ready to share my pages.
Starting in June, some of the articles will be written by guests, friends, coaches, mentors, writers...
I select the topics, make recommendations, specifications, review and translate into French or English depending on the original language of the article.
In short, I become Editor-in-Chief!
Pretty good, right? I love it!
Believe me, you’ll love it, thanks to them, we’ll expand our knowledge, and open our minds and hearts even more.
Obviously, I’ll personally introduce each of the guests, coming from different universes, however they all fit very well into my tribe.
I like the idea of being able to bring people together, give, share, exchange and inspire.
To be able to give you even more the desire to be yourself and to surpass yourself.
No one influences me, but everybody inspires me!
How so?
If you subscribed to the newsletter, nothing changes for you, the links will take you directly to the articles.
(You can subscribe at the bottom of the Home Page or the Blog Page)
Nothing change on the home page, direct access to the article.
The only difference will be if you click on the BLOG button in the menu.
- Either you click on it and you will open a summary with:
- Or under the Blog button, the 2 options will appear & you can directly click and access the one you want.
Lately, it was difficult for me to offer you an article every week, in this way I hope to be able to satisfy you.
This should free me some time to devote myself to the publishing of my book “My Solo Wedding in Santorini”, and hopefully I’ll announce a release date soon!
Don't forget that you can become a contributor, depending on the amount you donate, you may be entitled to get a numbered & signed copy, and even your name in the acknowledgments of the book!
Thank you to those of you who have already participated!! I love you!
All the details: HERE.
Together let's continue to grow, bloom and be happy!!
Welcome to Laeti’s Tribe!
Love & Joy,
It's been a long time since I took you to an exotic destination, and with summer coming, I wanted to make you dream a little, a lot... madly.
This week I'm showing you one of my favourite places on our beautiful planet: Heron Island in Queensland, Australia.
And as a reminder, all the photos are mine, and it was very difficult to select them, each one so beautiful than the other!
Located on the Great Barrier Reef, in the northeast of Australia, on the Tropic of Capricorn, this small island of 16 hectares is a real paradise.
It can be reached by boat, which means 2 hours of seasickness for my sister who was accompanying me, or by helicopter, but this time this mode of transport did not fit into my budget.
If you have a feeling of deja vu, it’s because I’ve already shown you several of these photos in my articles. But really, I never get tired of it!
There’s only one hotel on the island, the Heron Island Resort, which makes it a very privileged area and when I say hotel, it’s actually small wood cabins scattered in the vegetation.
So relaxing and rejuvenating to be immersed in such an environment.
And my sister is touring you 😉
Obviously, we didn’t come all this way not to swim.
Pool or beach, the dilemma of the day…
Although you can go around it quickly, only 800m long (2,600 ft) and 300m (980 ft) wide, its charm and its particularity lie in its fauna and flora.
In summer, nearly 200,000 birds inhabit the island. We observe them everywhere and especially we hear them! Well, be clear here, some songs are more melodious than others…
And no, contrary to its name no heron on the island, the English explorer, Lieutenant Charles Bampfield Yule, who discovered it in 1843 would have confused egrets with herons.
To be honest I'm very bad at bird species so I don't blame him, and then in the end, it sounds good Heron Island!
And then, there are sea turtles too!!
But maybe you remember, I told you about it in my article My Favourite Animals.
And yes, it’s an island where Green sea turtles and Loggerhead turtles (or Caretta Caretta) come to nest.
I had the pleasure of witnessing the nesting and hatching period, so magical!
No photos of the mothers, they come to lay eggs during the night, so we observe them from a distance in the dark so as not to disturb them.
However, I have some memories of baby turtles trying to reach the sea...
At low tide, walking on the island is just as surprising, there’s plenty of time to admire this rich fauna and flora.
This is also a perfect opportunity to visit the University of Queensland research station, one of the most important in the world for research on the coral reef.
I knew that I had not chosen the right course of study, spending my days in a bikini on a tropical beach watching fishes, wonderful…
There are of course a lot of sea excursions organised to admire the Great Barrier Reef, I don't take underwater photos, I prefer not to have any distractions in case a shark decides to take me for its snack hahaha.
From the beach too, you can see rays, sharks and all kinds of fish. Magical!
Heron Island is one of the places I’d revisit with pleasure, and a memorable memory with my sister.
Besides, she would have loved to get married there, finally she got married in a magnificent castle in France, it was very good too!
Finally, this place was heavenly for my creativity.
And some of my favourite photos:
My Previous Articles about Australia:
- Travel Lover
- Superwomen 5
- Christmas in Brisbane
- Moreton Island
- Palm Cove
- North Stradbroke Island
- Sunset
- My Favourite Animals
- Australia
- In the Air 3 (Sydney)
- Hill Inlet
No article next week, multiple projects are taking shape and I'll tell you about it next time.
Have a fantastic week everyone !
Love & Joy,
Today I chose to talk about me, about us, about our journey together.
When I’ve created Blog About L., I needed to share my story, my Solo Wedding in Santorini, and show people how I was achieving my dreams and living my life without limitations.
I had explained to you my intentions and they are still featured on the page ABOUT ME of this website.
My name wasn’t mentioned anywhere, I wanted it anonymous, mysterious, I’m a very private person.
The only obvious reference the letter L, for my first name Laëtitia, Laeti's blog for close friends...
Anonymous, I didn't stay that way for long, 6 months after the creation of the blog, my name was in the international press, everywhere on the internet and on TV, and I was telling about the breakup with my fiancé and my Solo Wedding in Santorini!
Media link to access TV interviews, press articles, etc.
When I’ve created Blog About L., I needed to share my story, my Solo Wedding in Santorini, and show people how I was achieving my dreams and living my life without limitations.
I had explained to you my intentions and they are still featured on the page ABOUT ME of this website.
My name wasn’t mentioned anywhere, I wanted it anonymous, mysterious, I’m a very private person.
The only obvious reference the letter L, for my first name Laëtitia, Laeti's blog for close friends...
Anonymous, I didn't stay that way for long, 6 months after the creation of the blog, my name was in the international press, everywhere on the internet and on TV, and I was telling about the breakup with my fiancé and my Solo Wedding in Santorini!
Media link to access TV interviews, press articles, etc.
However, it took me a long time to put my name on my website, my social media. Out of modesty, out of fear too.
Social media… Even today, one of my best friends, Christophe, reminds me that 10 years ago I told him that I’d never have one!
Today, I have nearly 2,000 readers, followers, all platforms combined, and I spend a large part of my days on them… Not to mention the upstream work, writing, creativity, photos, videos etc…
As for my name, it's not easy to expose yourself so openly, I had to learn, grow, accept. But sharing my story with authenticity demands me to be it as well, and that I show myself to full light.
Life, circumstances, make us change our mind, make us change altogether, sometimes for the worse and fortunately also for the better.
This week, someone thanked me for the content I provide daily on Instagram.
It’s my greatest satisfaction, knowing that my inspiration helps you, gives you pleasure, makes you react, act...
Besides my Solo Wedding in Santorini, I show you amazing jewellery, snow in a spa in Las Vegas, animals from all over the world, sunsets...
This is what I like to share with you, to take you to places you dare not go, to make you discover art, magnificent destinations.
So yes, I must admit that I became more, I became a role model, an influencer as they say.
Every day, people who subscribe to the sites I recommend, follow my life advice, ask me for my opinion.
I want to show you with my eyes how I see the world, full of possibilities and wonders!
"A strong woman makes a good out of bad. Love your story!" B. | "I dare say that's epic you owned it and wrote about it." D. |
"Oh my goodness, thank you for this! You're a gorgeous lady and your story is breathtaking!" A.
This is who I am, I see beauty and joy in everything I do.
Even breathing or meditating is exciting for me, meditation that I practice every day (read again the article Meditation).
I'm a dreamer, I’ve always been, and that's what I said in my wedding vows, for me everything is possible, even going to Mars for my birthday in 2070!
And then my book I’m currently self-publishing…
Yes, I'm scared, it's always hard to step out of my comfort zone and do something new, but as Bill Baren said, "only action overcomes fear".
And it’s also for all these reasons that I ask for your help, your participation, to help me spread my message, my transformation, and my vision of life through the publication of my book:
No article next week, I’ll be busy with, among other things, the recording for a L.A. podcast, and also something new coming on my website!
Stay connected here and on my social media, subscribe to the newsletter (bottom of the home page).
Read my previous articles:
And happy Easter to my Greek friends, celebrated this weekend by the Orthodox:
Καλό Πάσχα!
Have a great week everyone!!
Love & Joy,
Snow surprised us in France last weekend, and I wanted to stay in this enchanting atmosphere this week, although I like spring and its comforting sunshine!
You know that I remain a child at heart, that I believe in unicorns, Santa Claus, Superman and Cupid... So, when my sister suggested to go see Disney on Ice, obviously I couldn't resist!
You know that I remain a child at heart, that I believe in unicorns, Santa Claus, Superman and Cupid... So, when my sister suggested to go see Disney on Ice, obviously I couldn't resist!
'Find your Hero’ is the name of this new production which features brave characters on ice such as Ariel the Little Mermaid, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, Moana and Maui, and of course Anna & Elsa.
But also, all their companions…
I admit that Moana and Elsa are my favourite heroines, moreover I’ve talked about them in my article ‘Merry Christmas 2020’.
It must also be said that no Prince Charming comes to their rescue, their character thus reminding me of My Solo Wedding in Santorini!
However, my favourite moments of the show are: the Little Mermaid which is visually very successful, we believe we are underwater with her, and as for Frozen, we are totally caught in a snowstorm!
But the magic also comes from the sets and costumes!
The shows are prepared in Florida before going on tour around the world.
About twenty professional skaters, who are asked to push their limits both in terms of acting and physicality.
Try skating with these amazing costumes…
And a special mention to Ariel, the Little Mermaid, who delivers a breathtaking rope aerobatic show! As a reminder, she has skates on her feet!!
Don’t hesitate to dive back into my previous articles:
- Musicals
- Princesses
- Happiness & Gratitude
- Unicorns
- Letter to Santa
- Letter to Cupid
- Childhood
- Asterix Park
- Disneyland Paris
No article next week, I have many projects in progress which I’ll tell you about soon, and I also plan to celebrate Easter with my family in the Alps.
Have a fantastic week everyone! And Happy Easter!!
Love & Joy,
We celebrated on March 20, the International Day of Happiness, which I told you about in my Article Happiness.
The arrival of nice weather and spring certainly puts me in a good mood.
However, these days, what really makes me happy is to work on the publication of my book "My Solo Wedding in Santorini", by the way don't forget that you can help me by sharing the link below but also by becoming a contributor: LINK.
Choosing to self-publish allows me to keep control over the creative process but it has a price, and for this reason every euro counts and your participation is precious to me!
The arrival of nice weather and spring certainly puts me in a good mood.
However, these days, what really makes me happy is to work on the publication of my book "My Solo Wedding in Santorini", by the way don't forget that you can help me by sharing the link below but also by becoming a contributor: LINK.
Choosing to self-publish allows me to keep control over the creative process but it has a price, and for this reason every euro counts and your participation is precious to me!
Of a joyful and optimistic nature, I’ve told you already about my experience and my tips on several occasions to see life on the bright side:
I am happy because I choose to be happy
I explained this concept extensively in my Article Be Positive, but if there’s one aspect that prevails, it’s the importance of gratitude in my life and my daily life.
I’ve also made several videos on the subject, remember:
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But read also my article Thank you!
And in recent weeks, I’m very happy to have seen the snow, having lived a long time in Australia enjoying the fine sandy beaches, but this time it was the white snowy beach (hahaha)!
Reconnecting with nature and its beautiful landscapes has been pure happiness.
“It is not happiness that makes us grateful. It is gratefulness that makes us happy. "
Brother David Steindl-Rast
I highly recommend you read The Book of Joy, a conversation between the Dalai Lama and the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Their wisdom, experience, and incredible joie de vivre despite the terrible hardships they’ve overcome, provide us with a tremendous opportunity to grow and elevate ourselves.
When I see the pictures of conflict or natural disasters, when many see sadness, desolation and horror, I see the courage, compassion and generosity of millions of people who overcome the unthinkable or help each other.
You perceive what you are
I choose to see the beauty of our world and our humanity.
It is learned, maintained and it is also grown!
This doesn’t mean denying reality, but on the contrary accepting it to highlight what deserves to be.
No article next week, my book "My Solo Wedding in Santorini" deserves all my attention...
But I give you more videos on happiness at the end of this article 😉
Have a happy week!!
Love & Joy,
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You know how much I love art, and being able to spend the past 2 months in Paris has given me countless opportunities to satisfy my curiosity.
And there’s a place that I adore and that I never tire of visiting, the Petit Palais.
Inaugurated in 1900 for the Universal Exhibition, in the same way as the Grand Palais and the Pont Alexandre III, it became from 1901 the Museum of Fine Arts of the city of Paris.
Located next to the Seine, and between the Champs Elysées and the Jardin des Tuileries, this is the perfect place to take a break during a long walk, to protect yourself from the rain or the heat wave, depending on the season.
And there’s a place that I adore and that I never tire of visiting, the Petit Palais.
Inaugurated in 1900 for the Universal Exhibition, in the same way as the Grand Palais and the Pont Alexandre III, it became from 1901 the Museum of Fine Arts of the city of Paris.
Located next to the Seine, and between the Champs Elysées and the Jardin des Tuileries, this is the perfect place to take a break during a long walk, to protect yourself from the rain or the heat wave, depending on the season.
In addition to its absolutely magnificent architecture, what I like about this museum is the variety of its collections, whether they are eras, artists or genres: sculptures, paintings, furniture and objects…
First of all, the sculpture gallery, located immediately to the left of the main entrance, welcomes the visitor in a masterful way.
Whether in plaster or bronze, they all testify to the creativity and inventiveness of the artists: Ernest Barrias, Charles Valton, Auguste Bartholdi, Paul Roussel (former student of Barrias), Alexandre Falguière, Jules Desbois...
Some of these plaster statues were the models of bronze sculptures, many of which were melted down during the Second World War, such as the dancer Sacha-Lyo by Serge Youriévich.
You’ll notice the height of the ceilings with their splendid paintings.
But many sculptures are scattered throughout the museum, with among others a large space dedicated to the sculptor Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux.
There’s also a bronze by Renoir, but also marbles: Rodin with "Amour et Psyché" or Auguste Clésinger's "Bacchante".
What beauty and poetry in this museum…
Flemish, French, Italian painters, and from all eras, this is what makes the richness of this museum, we go through history through these artistic discoveries.
Rubens, Poussin, Sisley, Pissarro, Géricault, Cézanne, Delacroix, Monet and many others… To name but a few.
And then some figures that we recognise on the paintings, such as Sarah Bernhardt, the great French actress of the 19th century-early 20th century, painted by Georges Clairin in 1876.
If the city of Paris has acquired many pieces from this museum, in particular the sculptures, it should be noted that generous donors have enriched the collection.
Thus, most of the furniture, objects and decoration come from private collections bequeathed over time.
Greek Antiquities
The following photos will certainly remind you of my articles Cretan Pottery or Rainy Day in Athens.
Greece, my adopted country since my Solo Wedding in Santorini, and I admit I love learning more about its history and culture.
Here too a very beautiful collection, rich and varied.
Since 2017, a new room has exhibited an incredible collection of Eastern Christian arts (Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece...), from two private collections and bequeathed to the museum.
Its café nestled in the middle of the garden is my favourite place!
So calm and peaceful to forget for a moment that we are in the heart of Paris.
The chirping of the birds, the vegetation and the gardens are conducive to daydreaming, and when the sun is out, it's like being transported to some exotic destination, or even to another era!
This Petit Palais has everything of a great museum, but with fewer people, I strongly encourage you to visit it.
Note that the permanent collection is free for all!
The Museum also regularly hosts magnificent temporary exhibitions (with fee).
My Favourite Articles about Paris:
- Garnier Opera House
- Versailles
- Luxembourg Garden
- Eiffel Tower
- Monet's Water Lilies
- The Louvre
- A Glimpse of Paris
No article next week, I'm working on the publication of my book "My Solo Wedding in Santorini, or how I saved my life. "
Next post: March 26, 2022
Have a fantastic week everyone!!
Love & Joy,
International Women's Day is in a few days, on March 8, and like every year, I’m writing a special article for the occasion.
This week, I choose to pay tribute to all these women, whose names we don't necessarily know, but who every day elevate, inspire, support someone...
Whether they are the muses of great artists, the wives of influential people, or the mothers of great people.
We owe them a lot! So, thank you!
This week, I choose to pay tribute to all these women, whose names we don't necessarily know, but who every day elevate, inspire, support someone...
Whether they are the muses of great artists, the wives of influential people, or the mothers of great people.
We owe them a lot! So, thank you!
There are no great men without great women behind them
I'm sure a lot of names come to your mind, or even you know someone in your life who makes this world a better place just by being there.
Many women have helped me build my personality and many more continue to guide me to become a better person. I wouldn't be who I am today without them.
And the list is far too long to name them.
Obviously, my Solo Wedding in Santorini wouldn’t have happened without their influence on my life.
Not to mention the valuable guidance I currently have for my book!
Every day, they live in me and emanate the light that I share...
And in these troubled times, I’d like to pray for all those women who are fighting for their freedom or for others'.
Freedom, is precisely symbolised by a woman in the magnificent painting by Delacroix, "Liberty leading the people" and which is exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris (read my article Louvre 2 to find out more).
This magnificent painting, repeatedly censored and sidelined, is nonetheless one of the most reused and visited artworks in the world.
Because we can’t silence freedom, hide it or destroy it, it is our essence, our divine birthright!
My 8-year-old goddaughter gave me a white rose for Valentine's Day, and I'd like to give it virtually to all women around the world, as a symbol of love, peace, communion and hope.
You are not alone...
Read my previous posts from the Superwomen Series:
Happy International Women's Day!
Love & Joy
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It's already been 5 years since my fiancé left me, it was 3 days after Valentine's Day, so of course I still think about it every year.
However, although this date is associated with a painful memory, it’s also a symbol of strength and courage.
It was in the face of adversity that I revealed myself, that I discovered in myself more love than I’ll ever have from someone else.
My life had to implode for me to find my truth.
Two weeks later, I was making the decision to marry myself...
A year later, I chose February 14 to launch Blog About L. with my first post “My Solo Wedding”.
As if to counter a spell and show the whole world that love has many faces.
Sharing this episode of my life was far from being easy, it took me months to talk about it, but I owed it to myself, to externalise this exceptional event born from a drama of my life.
I also owed it to the rest of the world to inspire hope and self-love.
And a worldwide response – MEDIA – which would exceed all my expectations.
An incredible and loving support, which has never stopped in 4 years, on the contrary, it continues to grow and to reach new horizons: Australia, USA, the UK, Greece, France, Egypt, India, Spain , Russia, Brazil...
And which also increases in the age groups from 8 to 92 years old!
I want to tell you that you are an inspiration, you're wonderful and you're worthy. Keep going, you have a beautiful life story!!!
You are a true leader! Thank you for leading the path for so many ! | All your positive energy is always shining so bright! |
You are so brave to share your story! It takes true courage, I admire that about you! | I dare say that's epic you owned it, and wrote about it! |
Truly is a powerful message to be sent to the world. Continue being you and celebrate who you are!
The Renewal of my Vows last year (watch the Video), widely shared on my social media is another proof of my desire to inspire and to share more about my life and my actions.
I continue to grow, to evolve, to assert myself in all my greatness and my authenticity.
Above all, I love myself more day after day, accepting my flaws, my past mistakes and my fears.
I forgive me!
"Keep growing to bloom" L.
My Previous Articles:
- Chocolate, sweetheart
- Happiness activist
- Single
- Proud to be a Solo Bride
- Happy February
- Letter to Cupid
- Pink, my love colour
My Solo Wedding: Link
Excerpts from my book (not yet published): My Solo Wedding in Santorini or How I Changed My Life.
I’m so proud of what I have accomplished and of everything I can still achieve.
So today I'm not just celebrating Valentine's Day, but who I am and my eternal love for myself!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Love & Joy,
While we’re still in January, and I still continue to work on my intentions for the year 2022, I remembered a wish I had last year: to balance my feminine energy.
Although the renewal of my vows from my Solo Wedding in Santorini had already brought me a lot, I was looking to find out more.
And precisely during a very specific course on this topic, I had the opportunity to discover the incredible story of Mary Magdalene.
And after telling you about Paris, where I'm having an incredible stay (follow me on Instagram), I'm taking you to the South of France, to discover the Sainte-Baume cave.
Although the renewal of my vows from my Solo Wedding in Santorini had already brought me a lot, I was looking to find out more.
And precisely during a very specific course on this topic, I had the opportunity to discover the incredible story of Mary Magdalene.
And after telling you about Paris, where I'm having an incredible stay (follow me on Instagram), I'm taking you to the South of France, to discover the Sainte-Baume cave.
Mary Magdalene also called Mary of Magdala or the Madeleine is an important character of Christianity, she’s also the most present woman in the New Testament.
Disciple of Jesus, she’s the witness of the Passion of Christ and attends his resurrection. In charge of informing the apostles, she became the Apostle of the apostles.
Theories diverge as to whether Mary Magdalene was also Mary of Bethany - the one who poured perfume on Jesus - but also the sinful woman - delivered from 7 demons and converted by Christ.
According to legend, during the persecutions against Christians after the Ascension, she’d have left Galilee (Palestine then) with other disciples, to land at Saintes-Maries de la Mer, in the south of France.
She settled in Marseille for a while, and evangelised the region then, following the divine call, she walked to the cave of Sainte-Baume to live the last 30 years of her life.
And just like her, to be able to access the cave, you have to cross the forest of Sainte-Baume.
Called relic forest because it has remained identical to that present at the end of the Tertiary, it has never been touched by man.
In addition, it’s home to very different plant species from what is usually found in Provence: oaks, beeches, Aleppo pines, yew, holly, maple, lime, mountain ash, fir trees, cedars...
But also, incredible flowers: orchids, narcissus of the poets, violet, broom, Martagon lily, ferns...
A set of 138ha at an average altitude of 2,460ft (750m) rich in very varied fauna and flora.
Crossing it while it wears its fall colours is a delight, and being able to reconnect with Mother Nature in such a setting is a great opportunity.
Of course, I couldn't resist hugging a tree!
On the side of the cliff, the sanctuary appears to us in the middle of the foliage...
Since the 2000s, 8 Dominican friars live there and welcome the 500,000 annual visitors.
But since the 5th century, monks have been guardians of this place, Kings, Queens and Popes coming to worship and pray.
Although looted during the Wars of Religion and destroyed during the French Revolution, the sanctuary was rebuilt in the 19th century and expanded.
Today it’s also a place of pilgrimage for parents who have lost a child.
The view is breathtaking, no wonder why Mary Magdalene found this place perfect for prayer and devotion.
With some emotion, I enter this natural cave which has been dug by erosion.
Much larger than I expected, it extends over 2 levels, the lower level being devoted to the prayer of deceased children.
A platform behind the altar contains the relics of Mary Magdalene.
You feel protected by this rock but in no way confined thanks to the serenity of the place.
And to finish this journey, we climbed to an altitude of 3,600ft (1,100m) to enjoy the incredible view at the top of this 12km long rocky bar, which appeared during the secondary era.
I thank my friend Magali and her aunt for accompanying me on this pilgrimage. It’ll remain an unforgettable memory.
No article next week, I planned lots of visits in Paris to satisfy your curiosity and mine.
Have a brilliant week!
Love & Joy,
As I mentioned in my last article Happy New Year 2022, I’m back in Paris for several weeks, which will give me the opportunity to show you even more of this magnificent capital, and this time in winter.
So, get your coat and your boots, and follow me!
So, get your coat and your boots, and follow me!
Obviously the first place I went to, my favourite park in the capital: the Luxembourg Gardens.
The seagulls have invaded the flowerbeds (without flowers) and it’s very surprising and exotic to hear them in the middle of the city.
The bare trees make the atmosphere very mysterious and bring out the many statues in the park even more, which almost seem to be alive!
But the Tuileries gardens near the Louvre Museum are also very pleasant.
What I love about this time of year is that it’s even more peaceful and the perfect place to sunbathe when the sun is out.
The French capital has no less than 200 religious buildings, so visiting them can be a wonderful way to walk around the city.
And I’ve just discovered the Saint-Augustin Church this week that I didn’t know.
In a very different, but equally solemn style, the Parisian cemeteries have many famous people buried and searching for their graves is fascinating.
So, I added that to my list, and I’ve already visited part of the Montparnasse cemetery.
I haven't had time to go to the museum or see an exhibition yet, I've given priority to reunions with friends and good meals!
However, you can imagine that I already have several visits in mind…
Check out my previous posts:
No article next week, lots of plans but follow me on Instagram to find out what I'm doing during my stay.
Next Article: January 29, 2022
Have a great week everyone!
Love & Joy,
I hope you had a good holiday season, despite the pandemic situation, some of you told me that you had to change your plan or even worse to be isolated.
For my part, I was in bed on December 24 and part of the 25th, following the 3rd dose of the vaccine. However, I made up for it afterwards and made the most of my family and friends.
In my last article of the year Merry Christmas, I mentioned my childhood dreams, including the fact that in 2022 I wanted to restart ballroom dancing.
So, for this first post of the year, I've decided to tell you more about my intentions and wishes, and maybe you'll feel inspired!
For those unfamiliar with vision boards, this is a blank canvas or large piece of paper on which you add pictures of things you’d like to have or accomplish.
In short, you put your dreams and aspirations on it. And you look at it every day. For my part and since I travel a lot, I have a digital version on my tablet.
It has been shown that this exercise not only allows us to manifest our desires but above all to do it more quickly.
This is called the "Law of Attraction".
For those who are sceptical or are not interested in the laws of the universe, this visualisation tool is nonetheless effective, you can imagine that seeing every day, several hours a day the photo of a dog makes you want to have one!
And precisely, while I’ve just updated my vision board, next to a professional dancer, I added a photo of a beach because for those who follow me for a long time, you know how much I love the sea.
No wonder then that in 2022, I want to return to new shores, exotic if possible ...
While waiting to be there, here’s a photo I took last week, in my native region, at the beautiful Lac du Bourget.
I'm getting closer to my goal ...
My friend Mari Curteanu, Wellbeing Coach and Founder of Bodysome, in one of her precious Instagram posts, made us wonder what we wanted to keep from 2021.
I loved taking a moment to think about it, because too often we follow habits without really congratulating ourselves or questioning their interest.
What I’ll pursue in 2022:
- Meditation - my article Meditation told you everything I love about it
- Gratitude - There is no shortage of articles and videos! Find the list & access at the end of this article
- Taking care of myself and my environment - reread Detox your Life, Beauty Routine and also Healthy Routine
- Writing of course - my blog, my books and more ...
- Above all, I'll continue to believe in magic and in unicorns!! Check again Unicorns
My other friend Fadela Hilali, Life Coach - whom I already told you about in my article Christmas Gifts - recommends focusing on the emotions you want to feel in 2022, rather than talking about resolutions.
A fantastic advice that I've immediately adopted!
And this gives, among other things:
- Success and excitement in all my endeavours - and I tell you all about it in this blog
- Feeling on top of the world in all categories of my life - my article Proud to be a Solo Bride is a perfect example.
- Do the right things to go to Mars one day - reread In the Air 2
- Be serene and in harmony - like when I lived in Greece My Christmas in Crete
- Feeling fulfiled every day – video Let’s Grow Together
I find it to be a great exercise and instead of focusing on the outside elements that very often don't depend on us, we set an inner goal.
"A flower blossoms for its own joy." - Oscar Wilde
So here is my recipe for 2022’s intentions, a good quantity of gratitude and perseverance, added to positive and well-balanced emotions, all sprinkled with visualisation!
And voila! A first manifestation that arrives very quickly, whereas I wished many people to travel in 2022, well last-minute trip, I’ll be in Paris tomorrow to take care of my godchildren 😊
In the meantime, check my previous articles & videos:
Once again, I wish you all a very happy new year 2022! May it be rich in love, health, adventure and miracles!
Love & Joy,
(A special message from Dr. Dravon James at the end)
And here is yet another Christmas for creating new memories and magical moments.
On that side, you know I'm the Queen, especially with my Solo Wedding in Santorini!
Because as far back as I can remember, I've always been able to enchant my world, and I'm not just talking about Christmas Gifts, which I talked about extensively last week.
The magic of Christmas is believing in an old man who crosses the planet overnight, with flying reindeers, to distribute happiness to children.
And here is yet another Christmas for creating new memories and magical moments.
On that side, you know I'm the Queen, especially with my Solo Wedding in Santorini!
Because as far back as I can remember, I've always been able to enchant my world, and I'm not just talking about Christmas Gifts, which I talked about extensively last week.
The magic of Christmas is believing in an old man who crosses the planet overnight, with flying reindeers, to distribute happiness to children.
This magical atmosphere reveals the best of us and makes us dream of the impossible!
The story of my life… Which made me thought about my childhood wishes, let’s see if any of them had come true:
I must have been 5 or 6 years old so, I used to go the planetarium every week to take astronomy lessons, I was so fascinated by the stars and space and I definitely left my head up there!!
But I told you about it in my article In the Air 2 and my wish to go to the planet Mars.
And my guests have already received their invitation for my birthday on Mars in 2070 😉
As soon as I could walk, I started waddling, as can be seen from the photos below, when I was 14 months old and dancing with my teddy bear!
Although, I only took dance lessons when I was 30, this passion never really left me and grew within me, eventually leading me to compete in ballroom dancing for 2 years.
I haven't danced with a partner for 4 years, but I continue to train in my bedroom and I hope 2022 will bring me back to the dance floor ...
As soon as I could walk, I started waddling, as can be seen from the photos below, when I was 14 months old and dancing with my teddy bear!
Although, I only took dance lessons when I was 30, this passion never really left me and grew within me, eventually leading me to compete in ballroom dancing for 2 years.
I haven't danced with a partner for 4 years, but I continue to train in my bedroom and I hope 2022 will bring me back to the dance floor ...
Beautiful and famous
Nothing very original, and yet it took me a lot of effort and time to have the confidence that I have today, to accept myself with all my flaws. Check my video below “Let’s grow together” to know more.
Above all I discovered self-love with my Solo Wedding in Santorini.
As for fame, enough has been said about me in the Media to satisfy me.
And of course, the best for last:
I've been writing with passion since I was 8 years old, and there isn't a day that I don't have some text running through my head. I think about it when I wake up, in the shower, when I do my gym, when I eat, I sleep… well, all the time.
And since my Solo Wedding in Santorini, it has become my main activity with this blog and with my book, and those to come ...
I've been writing with passion since I was 8 years old, and there isn't a day that I don't have some text running through my head. I think about it when I wake up, in the shower, when I do my gym, when I eat, I sleep… well, all the time.
And since my Solo Wedding in Santorini, it has become my main activity with this blog and with my book, and those to come ...
Reread my previous Christmas articles:
- My letter to Santa
- Christmas around the world: Dubai - Brisbane - New York - Paris - Crete
- Merry Christmas 2018
- Merry Christmas 2019
- Merry Christmas 2020
- Christmas Gifts
Dreams that continue, that evolve, and always this craziness that pushes me to want the moon and the stars around ...
No wonder my creativity is increased tenfold at this time of year!
My Christmas videos:
No wonder my creativity is increased tenfold at this time of year!
My Christmas videos:
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Thank you all for your fabulous photos!
I enjoy so much receiving your pics every year...
And I've even received a photo and a special message to share with you, from Dr. Dravon James, Author and Founder of Every Day Peace, whom I told you about in my last article Christmas Gifts.
Thank you very much Dr. Dravon James!
Thank you very much Dr. Dravon James!
Let's continue to believe in Christmas magic to end this year with stars in our eyes, and allow us to dream big in 2022.
We just have to wait for Santa now and see what he brings us this year ...
No article next week, I’ll enjoy the holidays, and meditate to have a fabulous energy to start the New Year…
Next article: January 8, 2022!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Love & Joy,
Confucius said nature makes men identical, life makes them different.
I think that everything happens for a reason and every moment helps to build our personality. I don't like rules, I follow mine. It is time for me to share my unconventional life and my unusual experience...
Solo Wedding