Last year my story was going viral on the internet and in the press (see Page Media), yet it was far from being like a fairy tale, many of the elements were there, luxurious providers, a breathtaking place , a dream dress, princess shoes, but no groom ... Once upon a time, a romantic woman, in love with the wrong man, who decided to abandon her three months before the wedding ceremony. Once upon a time, there was chaos. Once upon a time, this rage at the heart of deserving better, of knowing to be worthy. Once upon a time there was my Solo Wedding in Santorini. In September 2018, I discovered my first magazine cover in the UK, before a second, then a third in Australia. Today, I choose to recap with you the articles of my Solo Wedding in Santorini (you can click on it to read or reread them): I temporarily stay in London to finish the English version of my book, a city full of surprise and energy, as I already told you: And if you follow me on Instagram, check my stories. All that I’ve accomplished since my Solo Wedding make me terribly proud and happy: the freezing of my eggs, my blog, the media, my book ... It encourages me to pursue my dreams and to invent new ones. Not to mention all my travels, and a year ago I was going to Crete to write my book My Solo Wedding in Santorini (I am actively looking for an agent and a publisher). I had wondered where I’d be in a year, I had no idea. I certainly wouldn’t have thought that I’d be in England. Where will I be in a year and what will I do then? I don’t have a crystal ball, but I don’t intend to stop to confide in you and to inspire you ... A new extract from my book "My Solo Wedding in Santorini": "So, no basket of flowers on the horizon, to tell the truth, I never imagined an army of young children spreading flower petals in the aisle before my entry. It must be said that before this marriage, I had never really considered the question of a wedding ceremony. The only times it crossed my mind, I saw myself more in Las Vegas, with Elvis as a priest and the Blues Brothers as witnesses! We are very far from the flower girls! Every day I meet new people to whom I tell my story, to whom I give a piece of me ... So many beautiful testimonials from people who encourage me, even some who tell me how my story gave them the courage to change their lives. I would like to thank here my readers who follow me with interest, here are the top 5 nationalities: Greece, France, United States, United Kingdom, Australia. 75% of them are between 25 and 45 years old, and I count as many men as women (50%), the perfect parity!! ![]() Always have the courage to keep in you this light, this spark of hope that creates the fireworks in your life! See you next Saturday for a new article. Have a nice week! Love, once upon a time ... L.
For those who follow me on Instagram, you know I was back in London, so an article on one of their beautiful monuments. Last year I went to the Palace of Versailles and shared with you its opulence and grandeur. This time this English residence is its opposite, no gilding profusion or extravagance, its royal occupants wanted it warm, big enough but not huge, and through the ages this palace has been improved. This castle has been inhabited since 1689, it is now separated into two parts, one where the Prince William resides with his family, and the other open to the public. A video of the Royal homes at the end of this article. Queen Victoria (1819-1901) was born, raised and lived in this residence until her coronation in 1838. But this is also where she met her beloved Albert (Prince Albert of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha) whom she cherished all her life. And for fans of romantic stories, I recommend the Victoria series with Jenna Coleman in the role of the queen. At the age of 18 she became Queen, a heavy role for her frail shoulders and yet she was going to demonstrate to the world that she was destined to reign for a long time (63 years, 7 months and 2 days). She then moved to Buckingham Palace and became the first sovereign to reside there. Royalty means jewels of course, it reminds me my Solo Wedding in Santorini. By the way, I hope you liked my last article Birds Paradise, magnificent exhibition of brooches. The ones Victoria wore were second to none, including the 105,602 carats Koh-i Nor Diamond (displayed at the Tower of London), a symbol of British power in India, because we must not forget that Queen Victoria was also Empress of India. In this respect, she had a real attachment to this country, from which she learned the language and the culture. She even befriended Abdul Karim, an Indian servant. Friendship that cinema has brought to the screen in the film Victoria and Abdul (with Dame Judith Olivia Dench). The family was very important to Victoria, she shared her reign with her role as mother and grandmother. She will never recover from the death of her husband and mourned the rest of her life by adopting black as colour. She even kept the room in which he died and came often to reflect. 20,000 new laws under 24 different governments. Her era saw the invention of the steam train, steamboat, bicycle, car, telegraph and telephone. At her Diamond Jubilee, 3 million people came to see her. Without a doubt a Queen that everybody will remember ... It is hard to talk about Kensington Palace without thinking of Lady Di where she lived, even after her divorce until her tragic death in 1997. A gallery is dedicated to the outfits created by David Sassoon, her favourite fashion designer. You will notice on some sketches the annotations of the princess. Next article next Saturday. Have a good week! Love & History, L. Let's keep dreaming, after my article last week on Madagascar, today a topic that will delight lovers of art and beautiful things. I mentioned this wonderful exhibition in my article My Birthday in Paris, here is today an article which is entirely devoted to it. You know my taste for luxury and especially jewellery, my Solo Wedding in Santorini is the proof, either by my Wedding Dress or my Wedding Ring, so I couldn’t miss the opportunity to nourish my soul and my spirit. Coming from two private collections and some of the Van Cleef & Arpels' heritage funds, "Paradis D'oiseaux" (Bird Paradise) is an exhibition celebrating the art of jeweller’s craft through bird brooches created between 1850 and 1960. Everything begins with inspiration, with art for example and especially painting but also the work of naturalists, and documents of all kinds that awaken the creativity of the jeweller who first creates sketches ... The majestic and exotic peacock is one of the most represented birds in the art, so it’s not surprising that we find it in this exhibition. Exceptional materials to make these unique pieces: diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, feather, shell, onyx, coral, enamel, turquoise, pearl, amethyst, topaz, aquamarine, garnet, gold, platinum ... Birds of all kinds including the swan. And if you remember, I was wearing a tiara with two swans for my Solo Wedding in Santorini! After the exhibition, I’ve visited the Ecole des Arts Joailliers (School of Jewelry Arts), supported by Van Cleef & Arpels, a sublime space with several workshops and salons to learn but also to discover the history of Van Cleef & Arpels. This school is accessible to all, it doesn’t provide a qualification but makes the public discover (including children and teenagers) the art of jewellery with its 10 crafts: draftsman, model maker, gems expert, jeweller, foundry, setting, lapidary, engraver / sculptor and case. I invite you to discover their courses for yourself or to offer, an original experience that will take you to the heart of one of the finest French craft: the haute-joaillerie. For those who would like to learn more, at the end of this article a video about feathers and jewels. No article next week because I have my new passport and I'll be travelling, I'm so happy!! Follow me on Instagram @blogaboutl to know more ;) Next article: 21st of September. Good week to you all! Love & Jewellery, L. |